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Щедрик | Shchedryk | Ukrainian Carol of the Bells

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2 Pipes – Carol of the Bells (Ukrainian song “Shchedryk” by Leontovych)/”Щедрик” на сопілці

2 Pipes – Carol of the Bells (Ukrainian song “Shchedryk” by Leontovych)/”Щедрик” на сопілці
Source: https://youtu.be/HE_skWWK1aw
Channel: Uliana Alex

Today the whole world knows Carol of the Bells (originally «Shchedryk»), masterfully arranged by the skilled hand of a brilliant Ukrainian Master Mykola Leontovych. The song is based on a traditional folk New Year’s chant, which tells a story of a swallow flying into a household to sing of wealth that will come with the spring. Since the song dates back to pagan times, I’ve decided to create this cover with the sopilka – a traditional Ukrainian folk wind instrument.
