2021 Carol of the Bells with a M3 Tesla and House
Source: https://youtu.be/0YyT0bDwJdM
Channel: Lights on Waddell

This is one of our songs for our Christmas Display, running xLights and Falcon Controllers, Kulp Controller, and Beagle Bone as well as a remote falcon plugin for the audience to control the show.

Filmed with an iPhone 13 Pro Max.

2021 Christmas Light show.

Song – Carol of the Bells

Artist – Jonathan Young

Featuring – xLights.org program for my Christmas lights

2021 Tesla Model 3 – Holiday Light show

Merry Christmas and Enjoy!

Музика в цьому відео


Carol of the Bells (feat. RichaadEB)


Jonathan Young


Young Does Christmas

Ліцензію для YouTube надали

Studio71_2_5 (від імені студії звукозапису “Jonathan Young”); UMPG Publishing, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA – UBEM, Kobalt Music Publishing, LatinAutor – SonyATV, LatinAutorPerf та організації, що володіють правами на музику (4)

“August Burns Red” Carol of the Bells drum cover

“August Burns Red” Carol of the Bells drum cover
Source: https://youtu.be/qveltqt4ETQ
Channel: Pedro Martinez

Pedro Martinez “Manufactured Beats” plays through “Carol of the Bells” by August Burns Red. Filmed and edited by “A.J. Brann Video Productions” on location at “Stone House Recording” engineered and mixed by “Peter Fox”.

Музика в цьому відео


Carol of the Bells


August Burns Red


August Burns Red Presents: Sleddin’ Hill, A Holiday Album

Ліцензію для YouTube надали

The Orchard Music (від імені студії звукозапису “Solid State Records”); LatinAutor – UMPG, ASCAP, Kobalt Music Publishing, Capitol CMG Publishing, Adorando Brazil, LatinAutorPerf, Sony ATV Publishing, UMPI, Public Domain Compositions та організації, що володіють правами на музику (9)
