Щедрик Щедрівка
Source: https://youtu.be/SsbOg92TgeU
Channel: irina novik

“Щедрик” (Carol of the Bells) – обробка народної пісні відомим українським композитором Миколою Леонтовичем. Вперше “Щедрик” виконав хор Київського університету – у 1916 році. Вінницький Академічний Хор. Щасливого Різдва !

Carol Of The Bells Christmas Carol Instrumental Karaoke with Lyrics. No Backing Vocals – Home Alone

Carol Of The Bells Christmas Carol Instrumental Karaoke with Lyrics. No Backing Vocals – Home Alone
Source: https://youtu.be/gUKr40HnPUA
Channel: Successful Singing

Carol of The Bells Traditional Christmas Carol As featured in the Home Alone Film.

This is a re-recording which been made at our studio and is not the original song. Carol of the Bells” is a popular Ukranian Christmas carol, with music by Mykola Leontovych and lyrics by Peter J. Wilhousky.

Carol of the Bells” is a popular Ukranian Christmas carol, with music by Mykola Leontovych and lyrics by Peter J. Wilhousky.

We at Successful Singing have a wide range of backing tracks, sheet music, and vocal exercises for both beginner and advanced singer.
