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Щедрик | Shchedryk | Ukrainian Carol of the Bells

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Щедрик від Kyiv Symphony Orchestra в студії Oboztevatel TV
Source: https://youtu.be/x6NSzaWApJw
Channel: Редакція OBOZREVATEL

“ЩЕДРИК” за обробки М. Леонтовича у виконанні Kyiv Symphony Orchestra пролунав в ефірі телеканалу Obozrevatel TV в рамках спецпроєкту TheGuest: Підсумки року з темою «Культура на карантині»

Carol of the Bells (English rock version) – Grandma`s Smuzi (Original Ukrainian Shchedryk)

Grandma`s Smuzi – Щедрик (рок-версія)
Source: https://youtu.be/_8PD67g_0ig
Channel: Grandma’s Smuzi


Hark how the bells

Sweet silver bells

All seem to say

Throw cares away

Christmas is here

Bringing good cheer

To young and old

Meek and the bold

Ding-dong, ding-dong

That is the song

With joyful ring

All caroling

One seems to hear

Words of good cheer

From everywhere

Filling the air

Oh, how they pound

Raising their sound

Over hill and dale

Telling their tale

Gaily they ring

While people sing

Songs of good cheer

Christmas is here

Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas Merry,

Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas

On on they send

On without end

Their joyful tone

To every home
