Channel: Chris Haigh Music
Cinematic, emotive and melancholic orchestral arrangement of the classic festive carol with enchanting tuned percussion, foreboding choir, bells and soaring strings.
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Микола Леонтович – український композитор і диригент, автор широковідомих музичних творів, зокрема понад 150 обробок народних пісень, серед яких “Щедрик”, що завдяки неперевершеній мелодії став символом зимових свят в Україні і за її межами.
Mykola Leontovych – Ukrainian composer, author of more then 150 melodies based on Ukrainian folk songs. One of this melodies is “Shchedryk”, which became a symbol of winter holidays in Ukraine and in the whole world.
Cinematic, emotive and melancholic orchestral arrangement of the classic festive carol with enchanting tuned percussion, foreboding choir, bells and soaring strings.
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