LvivMozArt Christmas concert
Channel: LvivMozArt

Учасники – солісти світових оперних сцен та Львівської національної опери Людмила Осташ (сопрано), Лілія Нікітчук (меццо-сопрано), Володимир Заборовський (контр-тенор), Михайло Малафій (тенор), Микола Корнутяк (баритон);

Андрій Мурза (скрипка, Україна-Німеччина) Національна Львівська державна академічна чоловіча хорова капела «Дударик» Симфонічний оркестр INSO-Lviv Диригентка: засновниця та художня керівниця фестивалю LvivMozArt Оксана Линів (Україна-Німеччина).

Participants – soloists of world opera stages and Lviv National Opera Luydmyla Ostash (soprano), Lilia Nikitchuk (mezzo-soprano), Volodymyr Zaborovsky (counter-tenor), Mykhailo Malafiy (tenor), Mykola Kornutyak (baritone).

Andrii Murza (violin, Ukraine-Germany) National Lviv State Men’s Choir “Dudaryk” INSO-Lviv Symphony Orchestra Conductor: Oksana Lyniv, founder and artistic director of the LvivMozArt festival

Directors: Serhiy Horobets, Oksana Lyniv

Camera operators: Ярослав Манковський Yaroslav Mankovskyi, Serhiy Horobets Сергій Горобець, Anastasiia Dziadyk Анастасія Дзядик, Volodymyr Roshkovskyi Володимир Рошковський Stas Bezginsky Стас Безгінський

Звук/Sound: Володимир Пунько Volodymyr Punko

“Shchedryk”, колядка “Щедрик”, kolyadka, Ukrainian New Year’s song / Carol of the Bells

“Shchedryk”, колядка “Щедрик”, kolyadka, Ukrainian New Year’s song / Carol of the Bells
Channel: Vesela Zdybanka

“The Little Swallow” Ukrainian folk song was arranged by composer Mykola Leontovich in 1916, and tells a story of a swallow flying into a household to sing of wealth that will come with the following spring. “Shchedryk” was adapted as an English Christmas carol, well-known “Carol of the Bells”, by Peter J. Wilhousky in 1936. “Carol of the Bells” and “Shchedryk” share the same melody /by composer Mykola Leontovich/ but these two songs have different lyrics.

“Bountiful evening, a New Year’s carol;

A little swallow flew into the household

and started to twitter, to summon the master:

“Come out, master, look at the sheep pen,

there the ewes have given birth and the lambkins have been born

Your goods are great, you will have a lot of money, by selling them.

If not money, then chaff from all the grain you will harvest

you have a dark-eyebrowed beautiful wife.”

Illustrated by VeselaZdybanka©
