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Щедрик | Shchedryk | Ukrainian Carol of the Bells

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Олег Скрипка та НАОНI — Щедрик [Live]
Source: https://youtu.be/HU2bfwr2o-w
Channel: Oleg Skrypka

Знаменитий на увесь світ український “Щедрик” Миколи Леонтовича, який народився у цей день – 13 грудня 1877 р. І історія України, яку не маємо права забувати.

The Ukrainians – Щедрик – Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) OFFICIAL VIDEO

The Ukrainians – Щедрик – Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) OFFICIAL VIDEO
Source: https://youtu.be/xFG9IEr9IUo
Channel: The Ukrainians

A new take on ‘Shchedryk’ (Carol of the Bells) by ‘The Ukrainians’ fusing traditional Slavic sounds with western rock, whilst exploring the song’s pagan origins.

“Shchedryk is based on pre-Christian folk chants and a traditional folk tale. The lyrics tell the story of a swallow that flies into a home to announce the arrival of a bountiful and prosperous new year.”


www.the-ukrainians.com www.facebook.com/theukrainians

Directed and produced by Alex Ochman

Director of Photography: Denis Galenkov

Camera operators: Denis Galenkov & Jan Barszczewski

Production design: Sara Kuna & Jan Ochman

Dance choreography: Linda Szlachetko

Costume design: Sara Kuna Film edited by Alex Ochman

Dancers: PODILYA dance ensemble Manchester

– Filmed in Huddersfield 2017 –

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